Dust: An Elysian Tail - My Opinion And Honest Review
Dust: An Elysian Tail is by far one of my top 5 must play games. I played this game before on PC Xbox and now on mobile. The game is very interesting and has its moments of sadness, excitement and happiness all put together flawlessly. This would now be my 7th time playing through this game and I have done and gotten everything in the game and it still brings me back. I would say the replay value of Dust would be an honest 9/10. It brings in some feature from all games of genre.
You have your back and slash, grinding, stat based, and a good challenge for someone wanting to play on a higher difficulty. The story alone is strong enough to where you could read it like a book and be touched by how well done the plot and characters were done.
Each character has their own distinct voice, tone, mood and allows for the player to really feel the emotion and compassion and sadness overall that the characters are facing. Youll come to either be a major fan of the game and be hoping for a dust 2 or be happy that you played a game worth your time. If you are used to the feel of using a controller for a game then I will say this has the best control feel then any other. The button lay out is nice and well setup to how it was on the bigger platforms and performs just as well as it did. The only bug I have ever encountered while playing this is that when you get up to a 500-1000-2000 hit combo your audio will tend to glitch how and come back after a second considering all the noise you are making within the game. What I am currently using at this moment is an iPhone 6+ I have seen others having slight issues on iPod 5 or iPhone 5. But I believe it could run nicely just not as nice. For a game that was previously $6.99 and has now gone down to $.99, I would strongly recommend purchasing this game for all the reasons I have listed above. Its a great game, story, and nice time waster except you wouldnt realize the time if you truly give the game your attention. This is my review and opinion and I personally give dust a #2 on my favorite games for mobile, console and PC.
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Dust: An Elysian Tail, v1.6